Saturday, November 30, 2013

Prove your strength!

The moment you have to try to PROVE your strength, or ability to fight with someone, is the moment you start to fail...

As a practicing Martial Artist, people always ask, how many people I can beat, or how strong my techniques are etc. If I sound like I am always hesistant and refrain from answering because, I honestly don't know. I can easily say, oh yea, I can beat up 2 guys attacking me, or I can knock you out in one punch. But in reality anyone can do those things. Or if i am asked, how many pieces of wood I can break? I mean, again I am hesistant because I haven't tried nor competed in breaking a stack of wood or cinderblocks together. The moment I have to try to prove my strength in this sense to show someone I can do it, is not the essence of why I practice this ART. NOt to disregard the sport aspect, when it comes to sport or competition, there is a quantitative and qualitative measurement of strength etc.
That requires a totally NEW mindset to approaching what is being asked.

But as a human being living in the world, expressing myself in an ART that I love, requires that one must humble oneself, and not have a NEED to prove ones worth. Practicing Martial Arts, at least for me, helps me to attain my Self Actualization, and acknowledge my Self Worth. Because of That I don't NEED to prove myself to anyone, but myself...and by practicing I already accept and acknowledge myself.

I also acknowledge what I am capable of doing, and what I am not capable of doing. This is why I continue to practice.
Not to be able to have enough strength to beat someone up, but to be able to learn to control myself so that I won't have to beat someone up.
Obviously practical reasons, blah blah blah, violent world etc. By practicing to learn how to control my body and my self, I can remain calm in situations that may seem dangerous, and learn to just adapt to my environment based on what knowledge I have, and move on with the least amount of effort, and be efficient in my movements.


But my ego likes it when people boost me as like a Son Goku type character.....
(That is the goal though, become a legendary super saiyan)