Saturday, November 30, 2013

Prove your strength!

The moment you have to try to PROVE your strength, or ability to fight with someone, is the moment you start to fail...

As a practicing Martial Artist, people always ask, how many people I can beat, or how strong my techniques are etc. If I sound like I am always hesistant and refrain from answering because, I honestly don't know. I can easily say, oh yea, I can beat up 2 guys attacking me, or I can knock you out in one punch. But in reality anyone can do those things. Or if i am asked, how many pieces of wood I can break? I mean, again I am hesistant because I haven't tried nor competed in breaking a stack of wood or cinderblocks together. The moment I have to try to prove my strength in this sense to show someone I can do it, is not the essence of why I practice this ART. NOt to disregard the sport aspect, when it comes to sport or competition, there is a quantitative and qualitative measurement of strength etc.
That requires a totally NEW mindset to approaching what is being asked.

But as a human being living in the world, expressing myself in an ART that I love, requires that one must humble oneself, and not have a NEED to prove ones worth. Practicing Martial Arts, at least for me, helps me to attain my Self Actualization, and acknowledge my Self Worth. Because of That I don't NEED to prove myself to anyone, but myself...and by practicing I already accept and acknowledge myself.

I also acknowledge what I am capable of doing, and what I am not capable of doing. This is why I continue to practice.
Not to be able to have enough strength to beat someone up, but to be able to learn to control myself so that I won't have to beat someone up.
Obviously practical reasons, blah blah blah, violent world etc. By practicing to learn how to control my body and my self, I can remain calm in situations that may seem dangerous, and learn to just adapt to my environment based on what knowledge I have, and move on with the least amount of effort, and be efficient in my movements.


But my ego likes it when people boost me as like a Son Goku type character.....
(That is the goal though, become a legendary super saiyan)

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Diamonds are Forever

My Friendships are diamonds.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Life Keeps on Going!

This animated short has been a favourite since I saw it in 2009.
Such Beautiful animation and theme. But the thing the touches my soul the most, is the sound. The music really just sets the tone, and really reflects the essence of love, loss, loneliness, and the will to carry on.

At first glance the water can seem to represent a theme of global warming and its threat (Which it COULD be, upon further analysis). But reading more about it, the purpose of this film I think, is that we just have to keep on moving on with our lives, as our wonderful MOMENTS and MEMORIES get washed away, by time, so swiftly.

We still have an opportunity to revisit them, our memories, to remind us of our will to continue living.

Le Maison en Petit Cubes, the House of Small Cubes, is such a beautiful piece of work.

I can feel the Japanese-esque theme,
and felt the need to revisit this animation beginning this new year/new day.

Sunday, July 18, 2010


All Humans have a desire
innate nature to want to be remembered.

It is the only way to continue to
live on this earth,
through other people
's thoughts

Some Erect monuments
to concretize their existence
to have others reflect
even if for a brief moment,
on their legacy.

your thoughts
onto the world,
'ye Mighty and despair.


so that you may continue

am the immortal
that will hold on
-to your memories

to bequeath
the antiquity
of your quintessential

I Will

remember you
your legacy
your life
your existence

It is the gift and the curse
of the poet.

The one who wants to remember
your affection,

and be remembered
for being the one who


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Knowledge, Knowledge, Knowledge!

You don’t know what you don’t know,
Act like you know nothing,
In order to understand everything.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Striving for Perfection!

I Live to Love, Because I Love to Live!

What am I really doing?
in Pursuit of Happiness, throughout all the strife, my goal as a human being is to find a perfection within myself that will satisfy me fully. And the only way that I can satisfy myself is when I try to satisfy others...

But the fact that I can never be satisfied, because I am imperfect, is a cause of my ...sense of satisfaction.

What gives me most strength everyday, is my understanding that I know that when I wake up people love me. Not to sound like a pretentious jerk, but I can say with Confidence and JOY that I am blessed to have people in my life who genuinely do care about my well being and my existence.

What Saddens me the most, and is a cause of my drama and uneasiness toward life, is that there might be some people in this world who aren't lucky enough to HAVE anyone, or who are in a position where they feel they HAVE NO ONE!

Even when I feel alone, I am never Lonely.

What I want out of this life is a meaningful world where LOVE is in the air...all over, simultaneously, ubiquitous.
A sense of PERFECTION in a World of IMPERFECTION...

Because isn't that what Love truly is in the end?

Finding perfection in things that are imperfect?
That is Why I Love, and will Never STOP Loving


Love will always be close to my heart...

(Directed for Everyone, and No one)

Thursday, May 13, 2010


There is no Good or Evil.
Only You and Me...

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Vision of Deadalus. but Acting like Icarus

I feel like I am at a moment of suspension.
I want to soar High in the clouds, And
am confident in my ability to take flight.

What is it that draws me closer to the sun, that makes me drop
down to the ocean, and drown?
I know better than this...

Do I purposely try to fly high and call attention to myself to be shot down?

I've been cultivated in a world where aspirations of flight is possible, and even encouraged.  But the moment I arm my wings and take flight, I am immediately targeted to be brought back down to reality.
There's only so much hits one can take, but I still want to fly...

I guess,
Sometimes I need to crash into the water,
to cleanse me of my wounds...


Is it a front that I am in flight?  am I already stuck in the ocean pretending to fly?

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Why Can't There Be Love?

Track on Repeat!

Just loving the upbeat positive vibes I get from this track. Even though it's a 'sad' track...

Oh Silly World! Why can't there be Love???

Even though it may seem Unrequited, KEEP LOVING ANYWAY!!!
That's the only way to break this cycle of non-love!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Meaning of Life!

Part 1.

This interlude represents my feelings toward myself, my life, and the world.

(When I know, I'll tell you)

Thursday, March 11, 2010


Do we live in a God-less world?


is what created me...


Unconcealed beauty
marks of a God

Imaginations fury
seeking homage

Author of elegance,
organized redemption

Infinite growth,
consecutive shapes
emerging telos,

World creating words,
creating worlds
and earth

Ultimate, timeless,
everywhere and nowhere immortalizing

Distinguishable faces
resembling death.
Created to discern-
