Wednesday, May 27, 2009

CHANGE!!!! again...The next evolution? or Revolution?

Been listenin to this track, and it REALLY hits me.
Lyrically, it represents what I am learning at the moment. Learning about the world, Philippine History, and just reading about human nature...

CHANGE really is what needs to happen at this state of the world...

Just because!
I have been programmed through education, media, and societal factors that the world is due for a revolution soon...(soon being a span of 5-500 years in my opinion of historical terms...which I am making up in my mind)

But Seriously,
I guess I am hoping to evolve in a way. Like as humans, we continue to innovate our surroundings externally, why not internally? We haven't evolved since Caveman times...but can we say that we have really evolved???

Studies show(I don't have a citation but it's been heard through Psychology courses/liberal media etc.) that the most learned humans to have lived have only merely reached the capacity to unlock 10% of their brain (give or take)... DAMN! What would happen if that were the average for a regular everyday human...? I IMAGINE, as you can see I am using my 'Brain' here, that by unlocking more features of our mind, humans can learn to manipulate our surroundings, e.g. through specific brainwave patterns.
What I am leaning towards is like mutant evolution (X-men, Heroes)...IN A WAY, but one that does not have to do with biological business-DNA, Genetic mutation etc.
I am speaking of evolution more inclined to mind evolution (still biological but not about genes etc)...a.k.a Unlocking our minds to be able to process a WHOLE new LEVEL of things...The day that humans will be able to fathom the 4th dimension and beyond... maybe even God(but as long as we are human, that may be impossible...or so we are taught)???

Unlocking the MIND is/maybe on another level of hardcoreness...
Imagine being able to understand and fathom the Philosophies of Plato, Kant, Derrida, Machiavelli at age 4? Basically the stuff I am learning (luckily) at University NOW, I learn during pre school... (It's possible that we have an UNLIMITED a priori knowledge we simply just have to unlock and remember)...

WHAT IF humans evolved in this way, opening up a greater sense of learning, I BELIEVE the world would be a more calm and harmonius place...relatively speaking. People will understand the futilities of violence and its path to nowhere but death and destruction..."The art of FIGHTING without FIGHTING" will become the zeitgeist motto...
Humans being more "Evolved" will be able to understand that and thus simply battle through MASS dialogue and debates!...I feel that people will be more critical about their surroundings and express it quite explicitly in eloquent terms that will be artisticly offensive, which will cause mass debates, until a consensus can be agreed upon...which when the time comes, will bring a temporary Peace...

OR maybe a 180 degree turn could happen...WHAT IF we could learn how to manipulate brain patterns and read each others thoughts, pull a professor Xavier and fight each other mentally, and the last man standing will be able to 100% persuade the other that they are need to have OPEN mouth conversations, it will all be done mentally. (talk about Fascism at its peak)
Plus Telekinesis? I want to be able to FLY, and use the FORCE! Pull some Dragonball Z stuff, knowhatimsayin? Unlock the ultimate POTENTIAL within all of us (and significantly increase my power level)!
I honestly just want to learn to teleport and or disapparate sometimes.

Through what I am taught to believe through society/religion, I feel that the next level we humans will become is to be like, angels...or demi-gods?
BUT we will still be mortal. Perhaps our mortality will grow shorter, because more energy will be required to make the brain work at a higher capacity....OR we may live longer because the brain is able to understand cell processes and repair old/broken cells, thus allowing to express maximum output and efficiency with minimal energy...

To what is suggested through my thoughts, I am concluding that Humans will continue to evolve until we reach a God-like state...the state where GOD actually accepts us and will communicate with us directly...(I still do through prayer, but what I am aiming for is a more explicit form of talk to God on the phone...waddup G!)

because that is my flaw, I WANT TO GO BACK TO PARADISE, WHILE BEING ALIVE!!!


"Lest we forget, we are mortal."

Without Further ado, Listen to CHANGE -->

Monday, May 18, 2009


My conscience, my mind, my ENEMY?

the Ego?

what is the Ego?

I recently watched a movie called Revolver...and it hit me...


My surroundings create a reflection of me...

Picture of Dorian Gray...

I AM the painting.

"The Apocalypse is the way the world looks after the ego has disappeared" Northrop Frye- The Great Code

The Hate That Hate Produced

Excerpt from an early documentary exploring the Nation of Islam and anti-NOI movments of the time. It was filmed in 1959.

White vs. Black
always and forever.

it should be more that White + Black = Always and Forever (Yin Yang)

It's Crazy that the Broadcaster's decided to Title this with the emphasis on HATE!
suggesting that Black people incite the HATRED...

I 'HATE' the ignorance of ignorance...

Check out the Autobiography of Malcolm X.


All I have to say is... in this world, the way you act towards others will bring in consequences both good and bad, in the future generation.

Treat someone bad today, that person will treat someone bad tomorrow...which may eventually lead someone to treat you or someone you know badly...or if not your grandchildren will feel the repercussions...Karma.

Therefore if only people can learn to follow the golden rule...
Treat others the way you wish to be treated...

then can we find a sense of peace and harmony.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

I Don't Give Up! I Give Down!

Never Give UP!
Never succumb to oppression and exploitation!

When times get Rough, and the weight of the world seems to be placed on your shoulders, the thoughts of just "giving up" always come to mind. It seems so easy to just give up and just rest. But "giving up" comes with dire consequences as well. To give up, means to yield and surrender. All the morals and principles one holds dear to them is lost (depending on the scale of the situation). I always hold the mantra to never give up and keep fighting through, even in the face of adversity. Fights that I am constantly in are not physical, but internal mental bouts. Especially with studying. I am fighting my procrastination syndrome so that I can Focus and finish my work. I fight my temptations, inner demons, my writer's blocks, my self-hate, and other negative dealings in my mind.
This is what I mean when I say NEVER Give UP! I don't want to give in to temptations and fall prey into oppression and exploitation. Procrastionation is a form of oppression, rather I MAKE it a form of oppression, because by not doing my work, my mind becomes oppressed on learning new knowledge, and its right to exercise creativity and expression.

Always Give DOWN!
When I say I GIVE DOWN, what I mean is to apply all my energy into the activities I need to do down here on earth...Also to Give to the people in need...

But to address the former, To Give DOWN is to apply all that energy contemplating on "giving up" taking that break, succumbing to temptation, and listening to that voice that just tells you to stop, and redirect it to become motivation. I like to personify "Giving up" as that hard kick in the ass to remind me of my mortality and my humanity. It proves that I am weak, I am not superhuman and cannot do everything at once. This is why this thought of giving up comes in mind in the first place.
It also however, proves as a test of the strength of humanity. Though we are weak, feeble, and mortal (in the eyes of the divine), we also have the capacity to exercise our abilities to keep working as much or as little as we want, until it kills us. Technically we have an UNLIMITED source of power between the time of our birth to the time of our death! No matter how short or long our life span will be, with enough understanding, education, knowledge and persistence, we can literally MOVE mountains, REACH for the stars, and even CHANGE the world.
As human beings, individuals, we have to capacity to shape our own circumstances, we are what we make of this world. Looking back at the story of "Coffee Beans" in my previous posts, Humans have the capacity to become the coffee beans that transform the water.


Now to put this mantra in the context of my interpretation for the current economic situation, is that When I say to GIVE down, I suggest in giving to the poor, the exploited, the proletariat, a.k.a the considered "lower" class of the society. By giving UP, we are just feeding the rich, wealthy, bourgeois, our "Oppressors". When I give Up, I feel as though I am just disregarding, or yielding my individual humanity to the hands of those who I allow to control me, through the economy, media, etc...
It is very difficult in society to take an honourable stand, without fear of causing ruckus or great disturbance to the masses. I am all up for cultural revolutions and all, but I am not up for having to kill or injure people in order to achieve it...

What I solely intend to achieve from thinking about this, and by trying to explicate my thoughts, I want to Never forget about the people in the "bottom". I always am ready and willing to extend my hand to those who are down, to help bring them up. Or rather I am ready and willing to Jump DOWN and look up With them, rather than stay high and look down on them...Who are the people in the bottom?


Humanity is all in the bottom, as in we are all grounded in the earth. It's just a social construct that we produce that enables us to perceive and think we are above others, or below others.

I want to condone the belief that we are neither above nor below, but rather, BESIDE each other. We all humans, we all in this life together.

Never GIVE UP!, Always GIVE DOWN!