Sunday, July 26, 2009


What is Courage?

"The preservation of One's own Beliefs" (Plato -The Republic Book IV)
This is a Virtue in which Everyone, in my eyes, aims to aspire to achieve.
To be Courageous enough to do what they want, when they want, to protect the ones they love...or better their own credibility in something...
You could say that courage is like an epitome of the "Gangsta" mentality!

To be Gangsta, is to be brave, hard enough that no one can go against you because you will not back down from anything!!!
No one can change your view no matter what they try, and people can see this as something to look up to because if you won't change your mind, your either really stubborn, OR someone who KNOWS what is BEST for Himself/herself, and then for everyone...the latter is what people look up to.

"COURAGE is the preservation of ones own belief". (Plato Republic - Book IV)


This type of courage is a false one... it is not REAL courage. This Gangsta courage DOES intend to preserve ones own belief, to stand up in the face of adversity, of your 'enemies' and preach to them that you will NOT convert to their ways...

However, according to Plato (via Socrates), This is a form of 'Civic Courage'.
Elements of Courage are in this scenario...BUT what if the beliefs you hold have innately evil undertones???

e.g. Standing up for your belief that all people of a certain race, creed, religion, etc. should DIE!... and you believe this so wholeheartedly that you end up ACTUALLY Murdering people to preserve your own beliefs...

This is the state that Society sees courage... never backing down from NOTHING! Until only my own beliefs survive!


I feel, and believe, that True Courage is never giving into the face of temptation...into the face of adversity, not allowing fear to alter your actions, not allow anger, hatred, pain, or even love to provoke an act of, wrongness...
never allowing ones belief to CLOSE UP YOUR MIND, and most importantly YOUR HEART...

True Courage then lies in the ability to be open minded in being able to critically assess one's belief against others.

True Courage is the ability to be able to drop one's own beliefs for the necessary purpose of attaining the Ultimate GOOD!

Courage is being able to understand what is Good/Evil, Right/Wrong, and maintain the balance of both, and preservation of both...
To see both, but remain on the side of Good...because Good maintains and preserves both...

or does it?...

I ask you, if you were stuck in a scenario where you could save the world if you sacrifice yourself so that the whole world can survive, would you do it?

My response would be: Yes... but only if there is NO possible way to find a solution where I can maintain a balance and preservation of everyone, and myself...

My courage holds the belief that there is a possibility of maintaining and preserving a sense of harmony among all things simultaneously...but it takes much work...

It needs a lot of strength...and COURAGE to be able to hold it together...

The ability to look into an 'others' point of view, and allow it to maintain the balance of happiness, and Good...

but is this Courage?

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