Wednesday, August 26, 2009


I hate Money.

Oh how I hate Money!
I hate that I need money to buy stuff…
Oh and I love stuff…

I hate that I need money to motivate me to go to work
Or rather FIND work
So that I can MAKE money
Money to feed me…But I can’t EAT money! Why do I need money so much?

I need money so I can pay someone else to hunt for me…true…
When The world runs out of money, we will make…Honey!!??

I talk to money, money don’t talk to me,
Money don’t care bout me
Its just a piece of paper
But I like paper
I like to draw, and write on paper
Express my thoughts and my soul on paper…

I spend my time for money,
I sacrifice my life for money,
I am losing my hair for money!
But what has money lost for ME?

At the end of it all, I will always Miss Money!
I Miss the way money gives me pleasure…at least temporarily…

By the way, money was the name of my ex girlfriend…

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