Saturday, July 12, 2008


Hello everyone!

First off, Thank you for stopping by and checking out my Blog.
I have been debating about creating a Blog for a LONG time. Because at first i wanted an outlet for expressing my thoughts. I tried to start the old Fashioned way, writing on paper, or just typing random thoughts on microsoft word. BUT i figured that it serves no other purpose than to try and relieve myself of any excess thoughts through expression in writing. I mean it was a good way of actually expressing how I felt at the moment, yet it still made me feel some anxiety. I guess because my writing merely became just scribbles on paper. No one will read them ever, except me. I mean anyone is welcome to read them, just go to my room and pick up the random sheets scattered around, in notebooks etc. But at the end of the day it will just be scribbles on a sheet of paper only I have access to. I may have poured my soul into my writings, but what good is the writing if the potential of it being decoded is slim to none? Meaning, if no one will read it, what is its purpose, other than to just relieve myself of a load in my mind? No one may really TRULY understand my passionate expression at that particular moment when I wrote that piece. They would have to experience that own expression on their own...

I express myself for the sake of expressing myself, but like Kafka's Hunger Artist, I want/have a need to be acknowledged. But in reality, Who Doesnt?

I feel as though it doesn't fully satisfy me enough when i merely just write on paper. I am an unselfish being (well i try to be), and I wish to share my thoughts with everyone. Not because i want people to feel whatever mood i was feeling when i wrote that piece, but rather to inspire people to understand and acknowledge that I, for that time I wrote my entry, was HONESTLY EXPRESSING MYSELF!

I want everyone to understand that for that time I was writing, I was just expressing myself. I may have been mad, glad, happy or sad, and it may be obvious in my piece, but the fact i wish to share is the fact that i WROTE a piece in the first place...

I want to share with the world and inspire, to the best of my ability, of Humanly expressing myself. I feel this is the first step into being able to live a Happier life. Keeping NOTHING bottled up inside. Really just letting go and express what is on my mind. Then having others read it , and feel inspired to do so as well.

In the end, I guess what my goal for doing this other than just to express myself, is to inspire OTHERS to express themselves...
Forgive me for my redundant inarticulateness.

What I feel my ambition is right now is to try to inspire a state of liberation (life) among people. And the first step into doing this, is by being able to Express oneself.

I honestly FEEL that the only way to receive acknowledgment that one has expressed themself, is if another person can read and can sense that expression. Feel that other persons expression.
But no one can truly FEEL the other persons expression, only their own...I need to prove to myself that my expression is worthy of being acknowledged in the first place...

Expression is an art itself. And being art, not everyone may understand it at first. To even classify as being art, it must be showcased and acknowledged, and lived through.
If not, then it is dead.

But how can expression be dead? It can't, but if no one is expressing themself, how can "expressing" (the liberation and feeling of it) be alive?

How can it be there if it is not known it exists?
Everyone Expresses themselves everyday, by just living and being themselvses, but for some reason I'm Thinking about something Deeper than that. Beyond just everyday expression that goes on, well not really. I am thinking about Honestly as Humanly possible expressing oneself, to the point that it becomes just the inner self becoming the outer. Fully overpowering the mask we all place over ourselves in our every walk of life...


hmm.. i feel like i've went on a tangent...on my 1st blog too!! i think i may have gotten carried away. But there is just so much I want to get out of my head.
Bah oh well, im just expressing how i feel right now. and i just feel like writing stuff.

Feel Free to express your own comments if any.

and Thanks For Reading... even if it just this final line! =D

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