Monday, November 30, 2009

Inspiration of The Villain

I've been COOKING this up for the past...couple years...
This is a strong piece of who I am...I feel... as a lot of the stuff I wrote for this piece have been the BUILT up expressions of rage, anger, happiness, and curiosity.
I tried to be as Honest and true to myself and however I come across, this is how I truly feel...
The Luigi Garde Manifesto if you will

Expect a story to be created by the time I graduate...

The Story/Tragedy of My love

Does anyone have someone they love? How bout someone they hate?

• Omnia Vincit Amor “Love Conquers All”
• Main (tragic/anti) Hero….Code name is Love
• Love kills slow
• Love actually Hates Love, but understands its concept
• Love Hates Despair…sacrifices himself to preserve the world... or destroy it…
• Love is Lonely
• Love is one sided
• Love is Unique
• Love is shared
• Love is untouched
• Love is invincible
• Love is fragile
• Love Hurts
• Love Heals
• Love is Painful
• Love is Joyful
• Love is Hopeful
• Love is Unrequited
• Love is Whole
• Love is in pieces
• Love kills to preserve
• Love is Truth
• Love is Tragedy
• Love is Bliss
• Love is Genuine
• Love Genuinely feels that what he does is for the benefit of each individual, giving them the maximum pleasure they can possibly achieve, even if it means death…because they no longer have to suffer the torments of facing life

Love is Life
Love is Death
Love is the maxim that remains when there is nothing else

• The sword that kills is the sword that gives life
• In the end Love DOES conquer all…..or does it…


“If you stare into the abyss long enough, the abyss stares back at (through) you”
- Friedrich Nietzsche

• What if I am at the bottom of the abyss, and I begin to stare UP toward the exit…the light shines faintly, yet teases me, I AM the abyss
• I try to find a way up, out of this abyss, but I am engulfed in pure darkness, and cannot find something to cling onto
• I Just become a crab in a bucket… no way to get out
• That is Love

“Human Contradictions are the motivations for us to live…to TRY to prove one side wrong.”
→Contradictions motivate life. Don’t believe me? Then prove me wrong.

Love is Hate, only reversed

Hate is Power
Hate is Strength
Hate is Motivation
Hate is Willing
Hate is Committed
Hate is Helpful
Hate is Efficient
Hate Works Hard
Hate will do what she has to, to get Love out of the way
Hate will Kill
Hate will Preserve
Hate will Give Birth to Life, and Love
Hate will Inspire
Hate will Devour
Hate’s main purpose is to torment
Hate is in Constant Pain, trying to give others pleasure
Hate is Love…the love to torment

Hate is the Hero, that Inspires Love
Love is the anti-hero, or the super-villain

Hate is the darkness in the abyss, that separates the exit light from the bottom.

Love is Murdered by Hate.
But Love lives on. Love can Never die. As long as Hate still lives, Love will always be around. Love was spawned through hate.

“Definition of a super villain- a killer who loves children, one who is well skilled in destruction as well as building”

Be Frugal
Be Efficient
Be Gentle
Be Hard
Be Strong, by Being Weak
Achieve Everything
Hope for Nothing
Aspire to Dreams
Work hard to Reach them
The Journey of a Thousand paces, must begin with One
Live for Death
Live in the mindset that you are mortal
Mortality will drive you to survive and want to live

There is no stupidity, there is no Not enough time
There is only Effort, and Effortless
Put in constant Effort so that it becomes effortless
If there is no effort, then Nothing will be achieved

Nothing is the negative of Something
You cannot have something without Nothing

Nothing will be the driving force to achieve Something
Something makes people forget about Nothing
Nothing may be forgotten
But Nothing cannot be ignored
If Nothing is ignored, then Something becomes Nothing

The space that is empty becomes the space that is filled
If the items that fill the space lose value, the space remains empty…

July 1, 2008

I just realized…
If everyone in the world acted like me, would it be a better place?
Yeah probably.
I hate to sound cocky and boastful, like im the Greatest Human Being alive.
But I mean the attitude and openness to things….

Basically what im trying to think about is if people felt more inclined to open their minds, really Think about the way others feel and act on the MORAL RULE OF LIFE
“TREAT OTHERS THE WAY YOU WISH TO BE TREATED” then we truly will have a better place.

But if everyone acted like me, I would feel very bored and not special…
Id be the loneliest guy in earth….
No Life.

So I realize
“I cannot change the world.
But I can change the way you look at it”

(THINKING its my own original thought….but NAH, how can I put a patent on sentences and THOUGHTS which is probably running through the minds of PEOPLE throughout the world at this very second…. I guess im just feeling happy that I THOUGHT these words and concepts at this particular time.

Hate lacks something that only Love holds. The ability to LOVE hate. Hate cannot love…Love can LOVE Hate…who knows hate may in turn Learn to LOVE love.
***I Hate “Hate”! This is what drives my Love

…doomed love and a vindictive fury.

“no matter how many of you who don’t have the courage to bark alone gather, it’s useless.”
“no matter how many people who don’t have the courage to bark alone gather together, it’s still useless.”
-Mugen Samurai Champloo episode 9, Beatbox Bandits

"The man who is at the peak of his success, and the man who has just failed are in exactly the same position. Each must decide what he will do next."
-Jigoro Kano

“Ichigo, what's the difference between a King and his horse? ...I don't mean kiddy sh*t like 'One's a person and one's an animal' or 'One has two legs and one has four'. If their form, ability, and power were exactly the same, why is it that one becomes the King and controls the battle, while the other becomes the horse and carries the King?! There's only one answer. INSTINCT!!! In order for identical beings to get stronger and gain the power they need to become King, they must search for more battles and power! They thirst for battle, and live to mercilessly crush, shred, and slice their enemies! Deep, deep within our bodies lies the honed instinct to kill, to slaughter! But YOU don't have that! You don't have those pure, basic instincts! You fight with your brain. You try to defeat your enemies with your logic! And it doesn't work! You're trying to cut them with a sheathed sword! That is why you're weaker than me, Ichigo! ...I don't know about Zangetsu, but to I refuse to carry a King who's weaker than me and get cut to ribbons with him. If you're weaker than me, then I'll destroy you, and take your crown for myself.”
-Hollow Ichigo Bleach ep.124

“Love/Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hatred, and hatred leads to suffering.”

March 2009 (after procrastinating for my 3 English papers)

My moment of weakness…
• Critically assess my life, the path I am taking. What if tomorrow I make a left turn? Become more assertive, less of a gentleman, sacrifice some of my morals to get the JOB done…make money a priority for now coz in this world u need money to survive, I will help people when I am rich…treat girls less of a human being…well not really but like impose my superiority as a MALE, as noted in history, and plant my seed all over…what if I exercised my own sense of justice in the world? As a martial artist I have skills that can allow me to defend myself in particular situations, or create situations that may be difficult for others…what If I became a vigilante? What if I didn’t respect everyone who is RUDE DISRESPECTFUL and HAVE SUCH BAD ATTITUDES toward me, my family and or anyone I know. What if I did something that will force them to LEARN to respect people???
• Good karma, and bad karma…I still believe in….but exercising my ability to try and FIX the worlds will not result in BAD karma, because I am doing it for the better, am I not??? The human is such a complex being, there is too much subjective aspects to us…what if I looked at humans more objectively? Because we are all human, no matter how smart I may seem/be, or not smart, there is no difference between me and the next person… the smartest and or most civilised people in the world are no different than the not so civilized and not so rational people…
• What if I didn’t respect my religion as much as I do, what if I became more secular/agnostic…I’ve learned a lot of things regarding religion, and critically assessing them through what I have read/scene/heard/witnessed…there is so much MORE I DON’T KNOW, but from what I DO KNOW, I can asses certain things…what if I became Scientologist? What if I devoted my life to the dealings of satan/Lucifer…not in an EVIL type of way, but in the way that I defy God, because God doesn’t seem to be helping us, so I exercise my own right and power to do something for the benefit of the world…I be a Rebel to the monarch, to the system…(I sort of AM a rebel to the system now…well I’d like to THINK I AM…but I am not so much…I am still in that POSER stage, not a TRUE rebel because I am afraid of not conforming… there are a lot of repercussions if I do rebel, and I don’t become as engaged in the system as much as I believe…don’t want to go to prison just yet…
• I am just so tired…
• Sometimes I think, am I just too tired to be who I am? Sure I may have fixed some battles, stopped some conflicts…but the Battles never end…nothing ever ends…

"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed."
-Albert Einstein

"He who joyfully marches to music rank and file, has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice. This disgrace to civilization should be done away with at once. Heroism at command, how violently I hate all this, how despicable and ignoble war is; I would rather be torn to shreds than be a part of so base an action. It is my conviction that killing under the cloak of war is nothing but an act of murder."
-Albert Einstein

I Love EVERYONE! But in order to do so, I must Hate myself.
I can’t even help myself, why do I help others? Why do others get a chance to be happy and I don’t???
But I am Happy...
...Only Built 4 Cuban Linx indeed...

So much (music)- Madlib → Song of my SOUL! My Life In a Nutshell…

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